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Valuing Your Talent in 2023

Jan 09, 2023
valuing your talent in 2023

Valuing Your Talent in 2023

In 2022 we witnessed "The Great Resignation." With 4 million people quitting their jobs every month this year, talented employees are available and looking for new opportunities in the workplace. When that many people quit their jobs, the reasons seems essential to know why!

 In today's fast-paced and ever-changing job market, it is more important than ever to know your worth as a professional. With the rise of new technologies, increased globalization, and changing demographics, the demand for certain skills and expertise is constantly evolving. This means that it is essential to regularly assess and update your knowledge and abilities in order to stay competitive and relevant.


Identifying Your Team's Unique Skills and Expertise

To effectively value your talent, it is important to understand your unique skills and expertise. This includes both hard skills (such as technical abilities and specialized knowledge) and soft skills (such as communication, collaboration, and leadership).

Some key strategies for identifying your unique skills and expertise include:

  • Conducting a skills assessment and self-reflection exercise
  • Seeking feedback from colleagues, mentors, and trusted advisors
  • Analyzing job descriptions and industry trends to identify in-demand skills
  • Pursuing continuing education and professional development opportunities

By understanding your strengths and areas for improvement, you can position yourself as a valuable asset to any organization.


The top three reasons given by those who resigned this year are:

1. Lack of career development/advancement 

2. Inadequate Compensation

3. Uncaring or uninspiring leaders


Do you notice a theme with those top three reasons?

 Each one of them is connected to value.


It can be easy for leaders to blame all of the outside influences for the great resignation. But if we look at the reasons given, we have the ability to influence each one of them by showing our employees how much we value them. 

In 2023, new talent coming into our companies probably left their previous employment due to a lack of value. These new employees will be looking for fulfilling work, ongoing chances to grow, and flexibility. It is absolutely our responsibility to provide this for them if we want to keep and develop great talent in our company! 


Saying you will provide those things for your employees is one thing, but providing a framework where your organization can execute on those promises is another.


Set your teams up for success in 2023 by making them a priority. Not sure how to make that happen? That's where Talent Magnet Institute comes in.


Let us help you with your 2023 year planning! We'd love to provide guidance and support to your company. Reach out to us here.

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